The path of Asteroid 2005 YU55, when it was visible in the skies above North America, took it thru the constellation of Pegasus. Although there was an almost full moon washing out the sky, conditions were clear.
Several Raleigh Astronomy Club members and I attempted to capture a view of this asteroid either visually or via a camera. I captured the asteroid visually from the club’s viewing site near Jordan Lake. I was finally able to track this sucker down at around 9:35 when it flew thru an asterism of a backwards 7, this was one of the intercept points I had calculated.
There were times I could make out the asteroid very clearly in my 8" and others when I had to use averted vision. I thought it could have been the seeing causing this variability but then noticed the surrounding stars of similar brightness were not fading, so it must have been varying in brightness (the asteroid’s rotation perhaps?). The asteroid was moving quite fast thru my field of view. It took perhaps a minute to move from edge to edge in my eyepiece, which is about ¾ of a degree (or 42”). I tracked it visually until almost 11:45pm, occasionally losing it and having to calculate new intercept plots based on the data points gathered from the IAU Minor Planet Center.
There were times I could make out the asteroid very clearly in my 8" and others when I had to use averted vision. I thought it could have been the seeing causing this variability but then noticed the surrounding stars of similar brightness were not fading, so it must have been varying in brightness (the asteroid’s rotation perhaps?). The asteroid was moving quite fast thru my field of view. It took perhaps a minute to move from edge to edge in my eyepiece, which is about ¾ of a degree (or 42”). I tracked it visually until almost 11:45pm, occasionally losing it and having to calculate new intercept plots based on the data points gathered from the IAU Minor Planet Center.
This was my first time observing an asteroid; half the fun was the hunt! It was truly a great observing opportunity!